Friday, January 15, 2010

Barrett's First Year

As I was preparing to create Barrett's Second Year DVD, I took a look back at the one I had made last year at this time. These birthday DVD's are something I do for him every year. It is a collection of images from the year, and I like to include a several of him with the special friends and family in his life. He is one loved little boy, and it will be so fun to watch these with him in a few years. He's already enjoyed watching this one and the new one with me several times! He LOVES to see pictures of himself!

Enjoy Barrett's First Year
::January 2008-December 2008::
(this video does have music)
edited to say: it has music for the first half, but for some reason not the second half!
nothing ever works for me the first time ;)'s not as much fun to watch with no music.

Untitled from Laura McPherson on Vimeo.

By doing this, I have learned that I really need to be better about getting pictures of him with all those special people. I don't have many of my older brother or sister-in-law with Barrett. True we've only seen them three times in the last year, but when we are together, I need to make it a point to snap those priceless pictures. Sometimes when we're all together with family, I focus too much on just getting Barrett or just the kids. Most of the time adults would rather not have their picture taken anyway :) but oh well! Next time you're with my kid...say cheese!

I will share the 2nd Year video on Barrett's 2nd Birthday! Have a great FRIDAY! If you're in the area and bored this evening, come on over...we'll be attempting those horse cupcakes! We might very well have several mess-ups that need to be eaten!


  1. I hope you post the new video. I am so sorry I am missing it.

  2. call me I am known as the champion cup cake eater.

  3. Such a sweet video! Wait until he's almost 6 and you watch it, you won't be able to keep from crying! I can't hardly make it through Kelton's First Year video.

    Have a great party! I can't wait to see the 2nd Year! Which reminds me that I need to get started on Katie's!


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