Monday, January 18, 2010

Barrett's Second Year: Video

I'm still working on getting all the pictures sorted from the party on Saturday!!

Until then, here is the video I made of {Barrett's 2nd year}. I am really bummed that this one has only transferred the first song, just like the last one did. Really, really bummed! It's just not the same without the music. If anyone knows of a better place to upload and share a video, let me know. I tried it on YouTube, but my video was longer than 10 minutes, so they didn't accept it. Didn't realize they had a limit! Yes, the video is 12 minutes long...I have a really hard time narrowing down pictures :-)

Grab and snack and enjoy~

Barrett's Second Year from Laura McPherson on Vimeo.

Barrett's having a wonderful birthday so far! We had a great morning with friends enjoying "birthday muffins" and now he is snoozin'. If he wakes up and it's still sunny out, we might go play at the park. Tonight we're meeting family for pizza. It's his favorite!!


  1. I just found your blog through Cow Pies& Mud Pies. I look forward to reading more. Love all the pictures.

  2. Have you tried animoto? That is what I have used. For $3 you can do UNLIMITED pictures and it is pretty easy to use. Just a thought....


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