Sunday, January 17, 2010

Me & Monkey: Another Year

January 18, 2010.
I will take Barrett's last monthly picture with Monkey.

It's hard to believe that will be the 24th time we do that.

He has changed so much since we took the very first one...two years ago.

Barrett & Monkey::One Month::February 18, 2008


  1. Its the amazing shrinking monkey! :) I cannot believe how much he has grown. Happy Birthday, sweet B! I know you are having a fabulous day with you great parents!

  2. Sooo neat! You need to teach a photoshop class so I can put stuff together like this for the girls. I just don't have the time/concentration to learn myself I don't think!!!

  3. Taking the pictures with the monkey every month was such a good idea! I might have to do something like that with my new little man!


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