Monday, January 28, 2013

Super Barrett turns FIVE!

Yep...FIVE years old on January 18th!!
Me and my adorable little super hero had a photo shoot in early January so we could whip up some invites!  

He had me cracking up with his poses...

 On Sunday afternoon (January 20th) we had all our family over for a little party,
then on Monday, we had his friends over in the morning since all the kids were out of school!

{pic Mrs. Mettling sent home from his birthday celebration at school}

Another fabulous cake from my cake lady, Dawn!
"Sugar, Please"

She made the yummy cake and Justin added the superheros and stuff to the top :)

Friend party....

{adorable Trenton and Liam...they showed up in the same super hero "costume"}

Saturday, January 26, 2013

he'll always be my baby boy...

He's only my baby boy for a little while longer...

soon he'll instantly become a big brother...

he's already looking and acting so grown-up, it makes me sad...

he's so sweet and smart, he makes me proud every single day...

he's loving and cuddly, I hope his brother has those traits too...

just yesterday, he covered me up with a blanket on the couch, kissed my forehead, and told me to rest.
then he let me take a two hour nap, while he played cars and watched cartoons...

he's independent...

most of the time, he doesn't get into anything he's not supposed to...

I really hope his baby brother is just like him...

I can't believe that soon I will have two little men in my life...

I am scared, but oh so excited...

excited to meet our new little babe, and see Barrett Russell become a big brother...

he's growing up so fast, and becoming such a little man...

But then again, he'll always be my baby matter what.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

36 weeks

It's the final countdown....
{I hope}

I'm finishing up my 36th week! Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks, and try to stay caught up on weekly belly shots until baby boy comes :)

On Friday, January 18th, Barrett turned FIVE! Cannot believe my baby boy is five! We celebrated with super hero parties all weekend long! Then a final party Monday for all his friends! (post on that to come).

On Saturday, it was GORGEOUS outside. Gave us major spring fever, but we took advantage and spent most of the day outside. Justin stacked more wood, Barrett rode his Gator all over the yard and played in his fort. I "winterized" the back patio (just a couple months too late). Put all the cushions and gazebo rug in the basement, and stacked the furniture up. Swept up some leaves and cleaned up some of Barrett's toys. I was a sweaty mess!

That night Justin's friend came over to help texture the walls in the nursery! Yay!! They are done and look awesome, but that was one messy job! We were really smart to plan that the night before Barrett's birthday party! We were up late cleaning up. I was on my hands and knees crawling from the back door, through the kitchen, into the entry and up the stairs to the nursery...scrubbing white footprints off the floor! Then we vacuumed everything and I wiped all the floors down again with Murphy's oil soap and water. By 11pm, I was having some major braxton hicks contractions!! 

Sunday afternoon I got to go to lunch with my girlfriends, and then we had our family over for Barrett's birthday that evening. Tuesday I met my sweet friend Sara at the coffee shop for breakfast and to talk shop. Always a good time, and my belly was happy with the whole wheat Belgium waffle! 

Wednesday I had my 36 week doctor's appointment. Not much new to report. At my 35 week appointment, I was dilated to1cm. This time they didn't check me. Baby's heartbeat was 138/140. The didn't mention my weight, so I guess it was okay--haha!! My doctor and midwife are both supportive and hopeful that I'll be able to go into labor on my own and have a VBAC. I won't be able to be induced (which is fine with me), so we've scheduled a c-section for February 18th, IF I haven't had him before then. Fingers crossed!!! Say some "baby come out" prayers for me! 

iphone pics from the 36th week....

{Barrett and I made a quick trip to Ponca City for some stuff at Hobby Lobby and Cherry Berry}

{balloons in his doorway the night before his birthday}

{opening gifts from mommy & daddy-SpiderMan}

we met his friends at the donut shop on his birthday morning...he was a little grumpy at first
AND he wanted to wear his jammies :)

{just happy my 5yr old still likes to snuggle his mama}

{met friends at the park on his birthday}

{nursery all taped up and ready for texture}

 {shadow fun while out enjoying the sunshine-36wks,1day}

{36wks, 4 days}

Barrett was watching toons downstairs, so I snuck up to my room for some quite time...
The Bachelor on DVR and a pedicure. Getting REALLY hard to reach my toes!! 

{fun outside enjoying the warm weather-he was washing his Hotwheels}

{36wks, 5 days}

{Sonic Happy Hour}
He said it was his birthday (almost a week later) so he wore his birthday crown to Sonic!

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