You might have heard me mention these
BABY LEGS a few times on here. I started searching for a pair I liked on
Etsy over a month before Halloween. I thought we might be able to incorporate them into Barrett's costume.
Well, I found these and thought the reds and black would go with his
Baby Outlaw onesie. I ordered them on October 2nd and had NO IDEA that shipping from Canada would take
41 days! They're adorable and the lady I ordered them from on
Etsy was super sweet. I told her thanks so much and that I loved them, but I didn't think I'd order anything from Canada ever again!
These came in the mail the other day, and since I'd been waiting SO LONG for them to arrive, we tried them out right away! I love those chunky little piggies sticking out! I took these pictures just a few hours before Barrett spiked a 101.8 temperature. It came on so fast...as you can tell from these shots, he was his happy self.
I had to skip my spinning class, because minutes before I was supposed to leave he started getting really warm. It was our first high temp scare and we handled it like any first-time parents would.
Panicked, called my mommy to come over (I love having her just across town), and paced around the house. We put him in the bath to try and bring the fever down. It seemed to work a bit, but he was still hot. We ended up calling our doctor. He is so great about calling him at home. He tells me every time I'm in his office "When it comes to babies, there is never a stupid question...you can call me at home at any hour." He had us give him some Children's Tylenol and Motrin so he could get rid of the fever and sleep through the night, and wanted to see us first thing the next morning. Everything looked fine the next day. His runny nose cleared up, and he was mostly back to his happy self. I just wanted to make sure his little cough wasn't in his lungs, and he didn't have an ear infection starting. Our Dr. confirmed it was all clear. Just congestion in his head. Hopefully we can shake this in the next couple days. Having a sick baby is no fun! Every time we hear him cough, from his crib down the hall, Justin and I look at each other with a sad frown and say "awww, poor baby."
Get better soon, Little Bear! We love you!
I am so excited that he is better so now i will for sure be watching little bear on Friday while you work!!!!!!!
Oh, I hope he feels better soon! Nicholas just had a high fever scare too (on our blog!) You are so right, sick babies are no fun.