It was kind of a last minute thing. I had planned to have my annual sale the first weekend in September, until it dawned on me that would be Labor Day weekend. I decided that wasn't a good idea since Justin will be on-call for work, and I wasn't sure what our family would be doing for the holiday.

Have you seen the show on A&E, Hoarders? Oh my goodness...Justin had it on the other day and I was getting sick to my stomach watching how these people lived! If you're interested, this is a clip from the show I watched, a lady that was a food hoarder. She didn't see a problem with keeping a bag of shredded cheese that had been sitting in juices from rotten food & meats! She claimed the cheese wasn't expired, and it was in a sealed bag! Uck! Hoarding is a disease, and I really don't think the majority of these people will ever change. It's sad that they don't see a problem with living that way. I go crazy if a dirty dish sits in the sink overnight...these people let dishes sit all over the house for months!
So anyway, back on subject...I am in NO way a hoarder, but watching that might have been just the kick in the butt I needed to get rid of some junk. If it's just sitting around collecting dust, I don't need it, and it deserves a better home!
My sweet little niece, Kylie, was my AWESOME helper all day today. She loves counting money, and she's mature beyond her years, so I totally trusted her to help me add up totals and count back change. She did great! It was also fun for Barrett to have her here to play! I was excited that we made over $500.00! I'd be the happiest girl in the world if I could use that money to buy a NEW lens, but I'm sure it will be used for Bluegrass and other necessities instead.
So if anyone is interested, let me know! You might remember my post awhile back about having to get a new version of the printer. The 3100 still works fine, if you just need a color/black & white printer. It will occasionally make a single thin line on your printouts, but I think with a new drum, that problem might be fixed. I just have to have perfectly flawless printouts for paying clients, so it had to G-O! I'm asking $70.00 and it comes with a new black toner cartridge.
So, Thursday morning I began the "running around like a chicken with its head cut off" routine, to prepare for the sale. I always pack "sale" stuff up in boxes throughout the year and keep them in the attic, but I still wanted to do a full sweep of the house (closets, drawers, cabinets, nooks, crannies) and get rid of some more clutter! I L.O.V.E. getting rid of junk! Ahhh...feels so good.
Have you seen the show on A&E, Hoarders? Oh my goodness...Justin had it on the other day and I was getting sick to my stomach watching how these people lived! If you're interested, this is a clip from the show I watched, a lady that was a food hoarder. She didn't see a problem with keeping a bag of shredded cheese that had been sitting in juices from rotten food & meats! She claimed the cheese wasn't expired, and it was in a sealed bag! Uck! Hoarding is a disease, and I really don't think the majority of these people will ever change. It's sad that they don't see a problem with living that way. I go crazy if a dirty dish sits in the sink overnight...these people let dishes sit all over the house for months!
So anyway, back on subject...I am in NO way a hoarder, but watching that might have been just the kick in the butt I needed to get rid of some junk. If it's just sitting around collecting dust, I don't need it, and it deserves a better home!
My sweet little niece, Kylie, was my AWESOME helper all day today. She loves counting money, and she's mature beyond her years, so I totally trusted her to help me add up totals and count back change. She did great! It was also fun for Barrett to have her here to play! I was excited that we made over $500.00! I'd be the happiest girl in the world if I could use that money to buy a NEW lens, but I'm sure it will be used for Bluegrass and other necessities instead.
I didn't sell my DELL 3100cn color laser printer...So if anyone is interested, let me know! You might remember my post awhile back about having to get a new version of the printer. The 3100 still works fine, if you just need a color/black & white printer. It will occasionally make a single thin line on your printouts, but I think with a new drum, that problem might be fixed. I just have to have perfectly flawless printouts for paying clients, so it had to G-O! I'm asking $70.00 and it comes with a new black toner cartridge.