We've been waiting for a Nebraska game to be televised here...and tonight we finally get to watch our Huskers! Yes, I am a K-State grad...but I was born in Husker-land, and I have great memories of watching Nebraska football with my family. There's not much like it! So, I dressed Barrett in his Nebraska gear today and took a few pictures for him to send to his Uncle Bobby (my little brother, Brandon)...just to let him know that we were ready for the game! Barrett's Uncle Brian, Uncle Bobby and Papa are BIG Husker fans.

Barrett emailed this picture and note to Uncle Bobby...

Barrett emailed this picture and note to Uncle Bobby...

hi uncLe bobbY...
hoPe uR haviNg a gooD dAy at woRk. jusT wanTed to say HI!
anD LeT u knoW that i'm reAdy for thE gaMe toniTe!!! See mY NebraSka shiRt!?!
lovE yOu!
teLL auNt jeNN i lovE her toO
bArRett RusSeLL
of course Uncle Bobby replied...
Awww...so cute. Thanks Barrett I think you found your color and your team. I look forward
to watching you play for nebraska some day. I love you so much and miss you tons, I can’t wait to see you
around thanksgiving. I have lots of things to teach you as I’m sure you have plenty to teach me.
Love you
Uncle Bobby
hoPe uR haviNg a gooD dAy at woRk. jusT wanTed to say HI!
anD LeT u knoW that i'm reAdy for thE gaMe toniTe!!! See mY NebraSka shiRt!?!
lovE yOu!
teLL auNt jeNN i lovE her toO
bArRett RusSeLL
of course Uncle Bobby replied...
Awww...so cute. Thanks Barrett I think you found your color and your team. I look forward
to watching you play for nebraska some day. I love you so much and miss you tons, I can’t wait to see you
around thanksgiving. I have lots of things to teach you as I’m sure you have plenty to teach me.
Love you
Uncle Bobby
AND...how fun that my FIRST nephew was born today at 12:19 p.m. in South Carolina! I just talked to my mom a little bit ago, and she said Brian's got his Nebraska onesie ready to go for the game tonight! He doesn't have a name yet :) So I'll have to share more later, when I have a name and pictures!
Such a sweet post even with all that RED!
ReplyDeletelookin' pretty good in red. And thanks again for the email. Oh and the nebraska virgina tech game was on abc...just had a bad ending so i don't blame you forgetting.